Certifications | Ascensori Rossini


ASCENSORI ROSSINI: certified quality

Quality since 1963.
1963, in Italy was issued the first modern and structured standard dedicated to lift systems and lifts in general, and in the same year Mr. Attilio Rossini founded the company. For over half a century, the company has been closely linked to the developments of national and, now, European legislation. The certifications obtained by Ascensori Rossini attest the ability to meet the needs of customers with innovative and technologically advanced solutions, with particular attention to product quality, work safety and sustainability.


CSQ - IMQ quality system certification, the strength of Ascensori Rossini
The new European standards indicate the minimum safety threshold to which each new installation must adhere, together with the CSQ - IMQ - Milan quality system certification of conformity according to Annex XIII of the Lift Directive 95/16/EC, naturally adapted to the evolution of the legislation, now Annex XI of Directive 2014/33/EU. Ascensori Rossini was among the first companies in Italy to achieve these requirements that allow to design, install and certify our systems.

The same Notified Body has also issued the extension to the design with the possibility to independently certify particular systems such as, in the last period:

  • EU design examination certificate of the EFFETIERRE 2018 I-E models project for hydraulic and electromechanical systems with reduced pit and headroom;
  • EU examination certificate of project MRL6 for electromechanical installations with small diameter ropes.


An Italian record
Ascensori Rossini was the first company in this sector in Italy to obtain from Istituto Giordano - Bellaria (RN) the EC certification of conformity of its quality assurance system according to the procedure established in Annex X of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC in order to independently design, install and test systems for lifting people and things (with danger of falling vertically more than 3 m) in compliance with the Directive itself, therefore, without the limits imposed by a predefined product certification.

Other certifications

  • CSQ - IMQ - Milan certification of conformity to ISO-45001:2018, Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
  • Istituto Giordano - Bellaria (RN) certification conformity for factory production control of structural components for steel structures according to EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 for the production of structural steel components required for the manufacture of metal structures.
  • SOA CAT OS 4 - CLASSIFICATION II - SOA RINA - Genoa certificate of qualification for the execution of public works, certification proving the requirements to be able to contract supply contracts with the Public Administration for amounts up to € 516,000.


Ascensori Rossini, always growing and updating, is currently working to obtain the CSQ - IMQ - Milan certification of compliance according to UNI CEI EN ISO 50001-2018, definition of the requirements to create, implement, maintain and improve the energy management system (EMS).


Finally, since 2012 we has adopted the Code of Ethics and the Organizational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and Legislative Decree 81/2008, i.e. a set of rules, procedures and ways of operating that define the organizational, management and control system within the company and that aims to prevent or combat commission of the crimes listed therein, initially limited to those related to occupational accidents and diseases, appointing the first Supervisory Board and later extended to all the crimes covered and sanctioned.